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2 Unit

Algebraic Methods

Factorise an expression
Solve a quadratic equation
Simplify an algebraic fraction
Simplify a compound fraction
Solve a linear equation
Simplify a surdic expression
Solve an equation involving surds
Compare two surds
Express a rational fraction as a decimal
Express a decimal as a rational fraction


Find the domain/range of a relation
Test if a function is even or odd
Compose two functions
Find the zeroes of a function
Find the inverse of a function
Find the transformations that produced a function
Find a function given a set of transformations
Sketch a function given its formula

Linear Functions

Solve linear simultaneous equations
Find equation of a line using point and gradient
Find equation of a line using gradient and intercept
Use Mid-point and distance formulas to prove geometrical properties
>Use gradients to prove geometrical properties
Find intersection point of two lines
Find a line through the intersection point of two other lines

Quadratic Functions

Solve simultaneous quadratic equations
Find intersection of quadratic and linear equation
Find properties of a quadratic from sum and product of roots
Find properties of a quadratic from the discriminant
Find properties of a quadratic from its equation
Find the zeroes of a quadratic
Find the features of a quadratic from its equation
Find the equation of a quadratic given its features

Other Functions

Sketch a cubic given x-intercepts
Sketch a cubic given its equation
Use Absolute Value Identities
Sketch an Absolute Value Functon
Solve an Absolute Value Equation
Sketch a hyperbola given its equation
Find properties of a circle from its equation
Find intersection of a circle and a line


Find a side of a right angled triangle given a side and an angle
Find an angle of a right angled triangle given two sides
Find a trigonometric ratio given another
Find a trigonometric ratio using related angles
Use the sine rule to find a side
Use the sine rule to find an angle
Use the cosine rule to find a side
Use the cosine rule to find an angle
Find a side, given an angle of elevation/depression
Find a true bearing, given angles/sides
Find a side, given angle/sides in three dimensions
Find an angle, given angle/sides in three dimensions

Trigonometric Functions

Find area of a region defined by circles/radiuses/chords
Find perimeter of a region defined by circles/radiuses/chords
Find properties of a region defined by circles/radiuses/chords
Solve simple trigonometric equatons
Find equation of trigonometric function from sketch
Sketch trigonometric function from equation/properties
Sketch trigonometric function from description of properties
Sketch trigonometric function from transformations
Simplify trigonometric expressions using trigonometric identities
Solve a trigonometric equation involving two trigonometric functions
Solve a trigonometric equation involving one trigonometric function
Solve a trigonometric equation using a quadratic substition


Differentiate from first principles
Find the limit of an expression
Test a function for continuity
Differentiate powers
Differentiate composites
Differentiate products
Differentiate quotients
Sketch a derivative given its function
Find the equation of a tangent to a curve
Find the equation of a normal to a curve
Find a rate given an expression for Quantity
Find velocity given displacement
Find acceleration given displacement

Exponential and logarithm

Simplify expression involving logs
Solve equations with unknown in the exponent
Solve equation with unknown as a log
Differentiate an exponential
Graph an exponential using transformations
Differentiate a logarithm
Graph a log function using transformations
Asset depreciation using exponential decay
Radioactive half life and exponential decay
Solve equation involving logs


Translate English to set properties
Translate english to sample and event spaces
Translate english to statements about probability
Calculate conditional probability using the sample space definition
Calculate conditional probability using the probability definition
Calculate probability of independent events using enumeration
Calculate probability of independent events using a tree diagram
Calculate probability of non-independent events using a tree diagram
Calculate probability of non-independent events using enumeration

Discrete Probability distributions

Construct a probability distribution for a random variable
Use properties of the probability distribution associated with a random variable
Calculate sample mean and sample variance of a sample
Calculate sample mean and sample variance of a sample generated by simulaton
Calculate mean and variance of a discrete probability distribution
Use properties of a discrete probability distribution
Use properties of a uniform distribution
Use properties of a Bernoulli distribution

Graphing Techniques

Find the transformations that produced a function
Sketch a trigonometric function
Solve a linear inequation
Solve an inequation graphically

Differentiating Standard functions

Differentiate trigonometric functions
Differentiate exponential functions
Differentiate logarithmic functions

Applications of Differentiation

Find extreme values of a function on an interval
Find maxima and minima of a function on an interval
Find intervals where a function is increasing or decreasing
Find the inflection points of a function
Find the nature of the stationary points of a function
Find the nature of the inflection points of a function
Sketch a function using derivatives
Solve maxima and minima problems


Find antiderivatives of powers and sums of powers
Find antiderivatives of trigonometric functions
Find antiderivatives of reciprocal functions
Find antiderivatives of exponential functions
Find the area under a curve using lower rectangles
Evaluate a definite integral
Find the area under a curve using definite integrals
Find the area between a curve and the y axis
Find the net change given a rate
Given a velocity, find the displacement
Given acceleration, find the velocity
Approximate a definite integral using the trapezoid rule
Find an approximation to an irregular area using the trapezoid rule

Financial Mathematics

Find an effective rate given nominal rate
Find the time to achieve a given future value
Find an effective rate given time and future value
Find the future value of an annuity using the recurrence relation
Find the future value of a reducing balance loan using the recurrence relation
Find the future value of an annuity using a spreadsheet function
Find the future value of an annuity using an annuity table
Construct a reducing balance loan table
Find the present value of an annuity using a present value table
Find properties of an arithmetic series given some terms
Find the sum of some terms of an arithmetic series
Find an expression for the nth term of an arithmetic series
Find the number of terms in an arithmetic series given some terms
Use properties of arithmetic series to solve problems
Find properties of a geometric series given some terms
Find the sum of some terms of a geometric series
Use properties of geometric series to solve problems
Find the future value of an annuity using series
Find the payment amount on a loan using series
Find the contribution amount to achieve a given value on an annuity using series

Descriptive Statistics

Construct a frequency table
Construct a stem and leaf plot
Construct a frequency histogram
Construct a cumulative frequency histogram
Construct a relative frequency histogram
Determine the skew of a dataset
Find the mean and standard deviation of a dataset
Find the interquartile range of a dataset
Construct a box plot

Bivariate Data Analysis

Construct a scatter plot
Calculate the correlation coefficient
Construct a best fit line by eye
Construct a least squares best fit line

Continuous Probability Distributions

Confirm a function is a probability distribution
Calculate the mean and variance of a continuous probability distribution
Find a probability distribution given the cumulative distribution
Find a probability given the score in a normal distribution
Find a score given a percentile in a normal distribution
Find a probability given the score in a normal distribution using a spreadsheet function
Find a score given a percentile in a normal distribution using a spreadsheet function

3 Unit

More on Functions

Sketch a graph of y = |f(x)|
Sketch a graph of y = 1/f(x)
Sketch a graph of y2 = f(x)
Find the inverse of a function
Sketch the inverse of a function
Sketch a curve from its parametric equations
Find the cartesian equation of a curve from its parametric equations


Divide one polynomial by another
Use polynomial properties
Use polynomial identities
Use Remainder and Factor theorems
Use Sums and Products of Zeroes
Use Properties of repeated zeroes
Find approximations to zeroes

Trigonometric Functions and Identities

Evaluate expressions involving inverse trigonometric functions
Sketch inverse trigonometric functions
Prove trigonometric identities involving compound angles
Prove trigonometric identities using t-formulas
Evaluate trigonometric ratios using t-formulas
Convert expressions involving products of trigonometric ratios to expressions involving sums
Convert expressions involving sums of trigonometric ratios to expressions involving products
Solve equations involving sums of trigonometric ratios

Rates of Change

Use properties of rates
Verify a solution of a rate equation
Find properties of rate equations
Find a related rate


Find a coefficient in a binomial expansion
Expand a binomial up to a given term
Find the greatest coefficient in a binomial expansion
Find the greatest term in a binomial expansion
Prove a binomial identity using substitution
Prove a binomial identity by differentiation
Prove a binomial identity by integration

Counting and Probability

Count an ordered selection
Count ordered selections with constraints
Count a circular arrangement
Count an unordered selection
Apply the pigeonhole principle
Apply counting of unordered selections to probability
Apply counting of ordered selections to probability
Apply counting of circular arrangements to probability

More Inequalities

Solve a rational inequality
Solve a rational inequality where the unknown is a factor
Solve an absolute value inequality
Solve a rational absolute value inequality


Prove a summation formula by induction
Prove divisibility by induction
Prove an inequality by induction

Trigonometric Equations

Solve a trigonometric equation involving compound angles
Solve a trigonometric equation involving reciprocal functions
Solve a trigonometric equation involving two trigonometric functions
Solve a trigonometric equation using the auxiliary angle method
Solve a trigonometric equation using the t formula method
Find the general solution to a trigonometric equation

More Calculus

Differentiate an expression by expanding it
Integrate an expression by rewriting it
Integrate a trigonometric expression using the rule for the power of a composite
Integrate a trigonometric expression using a compound angle identity
Integrate a trigonometric expression by expanding it
Integrate an expression using a substitution of the form u=f(x)
Integrate an expression using a substitution of the form x=f(u)
Differentiate an expression involving inverse trig functions
Evaluate integrals related to inverse trig functions
Find a volume by rotation about the x axis
Find a volume by rotation about the y axis
Integrate an expression involving derivatives of inverse trig functions
Find the area between two curves

Differential Equations

Verify a function is a solution to a differential equation
Solve a simple differential equation
Plot the direction field of a differential equation
Solve a separable differential equation
Solve a linear differential equation
Solve a logistic differential equation


Find the components of a vector defined by two points
Find the magnitude and direction of a vector defined by two points
Add and subtract vectors using components
Prove properties of vectors using components
Add and subtract vectors using unit vectors
Find the magnitude and direction of a vector defined by unit vectors
Compute the scalar product of vectors
Project one vector onto another
Find a vector component
Decompose a vector into vector components
Find forces using vector components
Find the range of a projectile
Find the time of flight of a projectile
Find the maximum height of a projectile

Binomial Distribution

Find a binomial distribution
Find the mean and variance of a binomial distribution
Find the probability of an outcome of a binomial experiment
Find the most likely outcome of a binomial experiment
Find the probability of at least k successes in a binomial experiment
Find the probability of at most k successes in a binomial experiment
Use the Normal approximation to the Binomial

